Ocular & Skin Allergy

The eye, like the respiratory tract, can be a site of acute allergic reactions. Ocular allergy also called Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when something allergic to irritate the conjunctiva. This is the sensitive membrane covering the eye and the inside of the eyelid. As all allergies, allergic conjunctivitis starts when the immune system recognises an otherwise innocuous substance as an allergen. This causes your immune system to overreact and produce antibodies called Immunoglobulin (IgE). These antibodies drive to cells that release chemicals which cause an allergic reaction. In this case, allergic reactions include eyes that water, itch, hurt or become red or swollen.

Irritated skin can be caused by a many factors. These include immune system disorders, medications and infections. When an allergen is responsible for initiating an immune system response, then it is an allergic skin condition. When skin is contacted by a substance, body’s immune system is triggered thinking the substance as a foreign agent, because of this skin becomes sensitive & develops allergy. Contact with substance such as detergents, soaps or cleaning supplies causes skin allergy.